
How Digital Excellence Can Help You

Youtube is the number one video sharing platform online. With millions of daily users, advertisers have access to vast reach and are able to elevate traditional one way TV advertising to a two way experience and connecting brands and users at scale. Not only is Youtube a way to get a message across, it is also a social place for sharing and commenting which requires brand owners’ full attention to reap the benefits from.

At Digital Excellence we provide

  • Analysis of potential in relation to current marketing objectives
  • Creation of Youtube Strategy
  • Implementation of campaign setup
  • Setup of YouTube channels
  • Analysis of campaign performance
  • Optimisation of campaigns according to KPIs

What is advertising on YouTube

From an advertising perspective, Youtube is the biggest channel online where users can be reached by video commercials the exact same way as when targeting specific TV channels. Only it is actually not the same for very specific reasons.

Users search for specific content on Youtube and targeting options melt together from the traditional demographic options such as viewers at a certain age group or specific gender to targeting specific Youtube content or users in various interest categories to display the video creative against. In addition, people are using Youtube just like the Google search engine, so targeting specific search terms with keyword targeting options becomes an important skill to master as well.

Buying advertising on YouTube is very advertisers dream. Traditionally on TV, times slots on certain channels for specific audiences are bought and you pay a fixed amount for that. On YouTube, advertisers now have the option to select only to pay for a view of your video ad, when users choose willingly to see the whole video creative and not skip to watch what they originally came to do. In other words, advertisers now only pay when somebody watches their ad!

Advertisers also have the option to create their own channel to broadcast content from. Creating a brand universe within Google is just as important touchpoint for social interactions as having a Facebook page or Twitter account. From this point understanding the value of your campaigns and efforts gradually moves from reach/frequency, impressions and clicks and into the world social performance metrics such as number of subscribers on the YouTube channel, shared content, comments and +1s.

If you feel you are over your head with understanding the potential of YouTube for your business and would like to learn more, feel free to reach out to us.

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