BB Hotels doubled their bookings, while CPA decreased With 85%
BB Hotels is a private owned Danish hotel chain with less than 10 hotels in Denmark. BB Hotels, had over a larger period of time experienced increasing competition in the market as well as decreasing metrics in their paid search.
With the increased competition, BB Hotels found themselves in position where paid search was not particularly profitable.
BB Hotels asked Digital Excellence to take over the PPC campaigns in order to make search profitable, and together with Digital Excellence, BB Hotels, identified KPI’s and set target CPA’s for the improved search campaigns.
Digital Excellence started out with in-depth analysis of BB Hotels’ paid search performance as well as the company’s desired outcome. Based on this a new and meticulous campaign structure was implemented to increase relevance, and secure a positive return on ad spend.
What was done
- Tightly themed ad groups, each with unique USPs leading to specific landing pages.
- Differentiated bidding for different segments.
- Advanced use of Google technologies.
- Large focus on negative keywords.
The results were staggering. Over a two-month period, the optimization had following impact:
- Search CTR increased with more than 250%
- 2X more Hotel bookings
- CPA decreased with 85%